Key Dates:
Aug 21 – Sep 17: Registration (online via the CMC Canada website). Registration closes on September 17, 2023, at 11:59 pm PST.
Sep 18: Case and judging criteria provided to registered teams (via email).
Sep 20: Case workshop and Q&A, 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm on Zoom. Zoom link to be provided to participants via email.
Sep 27: Case Deliverables DUE by 5 pm PST (via email).
Oct 3: Top four finalists announced (via email and CMC-BC LinkedIn).
Oct 5: Finalists present to judges (45-min per group, virtual via Zoom. Zoom link to be provided to finalists via email).
Oct 6: Winning team announced (via email and CMC-BC LinkedIn).

Case Topic:
The case will ask you to problem-solve around a challenge you would experience working in a real consulting firm informed by Berlineaton’s unique, people-centred, facilitative approach. Unlike typical case competitions, teams will not only be judged on the content of their proposed solutions, but also how they present them using facilitation skills. Check this page in early September for more detailed information on the case topic.
Case Information:
Your team will have one week to prepare your case submission after the Case Reveal Workshop. Coaches will not be provided, however there will be a contact whom you may direct questions for clarification to, as needed. The final case deliverables due on September 27 include:
- One PPT deck that presents your solution and supports your team’s final presentation (see below). Your presentation may contain a maximum of 10 slides, including the title page.
- A link to a recorded video presentation (YouTube or Vimeo) of your team presenting your solution using your PPT deck (max 15 minutes in length). This video will be used to determine the finalists who will present live to the judges on October 5.
If your team is chosen as one of the four finalists, you will be asked to facilitate a live presentation to our panel of 3-4 judges on October 5th via Zoom (time TBD). For this presentation your team will have:
- 5 minutes to set up and introduce yourself to the judges
- 25 minutes to give your presentation and facilitate a discussion with the judges
- 15 minutes to receive feedback from the judge
Judges and Evaluation:
We are excited to introduce our judging panel! The judges will be evaluating and providing feedback to the top 4 finalist teams on October 5th. The evaluation criteria has been provided to all registered student teams.
Prizes and Benefits:
This case competition is a great opportunity for all participants to hone their problem-solving, teamwork, and facilitation skills. It will also provide an opportunity for you to network with your peers, and our industry expert judges.
The winning team will win a trip to Victoria to participate in the CMC-BC Awards Night on Friday, October 27, 2023. This is equivalent in value to $1,850.00 CAD, and includes:
- Return walk-on ferry tickets
- Return taxi from Swartz Bay to downtown Victoria
- Food per diem
- 2 hotels rooms for 1 night (Oct 27) in downtown Victoria
- Tickets to attend the CMC-BC Awards night
- Recognition at the CMC-BC Awards Night
Enrollment Status: Participants must be currently enrolled as full-time students in an accredited post-secondary program at a recognized educational institution in British Columbia. Participants from all academic years are eligible to join the competition. Students must be living in British Columbia for the fall semester (September to December 2023).
Fields of Study: The competition is open to students from various fields of study, fostering cross-disciplinary collaboration. There are no restrictions on majors or areas of specialization.
Team Composition: Each team must consist of a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 5 members. Interdisciplinary teams are encouraged, bringing together diverse perspectives and skill sets. Team members must all be enrolled at the same post-secondary institution.