Key Team Members
A Profound Experience
In the fall of 2018, under the leadership of a new Executive Director, IAF approached Berlineaton to partner with them to develop and execute their first strategic plan. The new ED was keen to ensure that the voice of the member associations, industry partners, and federal and provincial funders informed the development of their strategic plan.
Practical Solutions
Over an 8-month engagement, Berlineaton — working closely with the IAF Board of Directors, Senior Leadership Team and Staff – used our six-step Strategy Development & Execution methodology to help IAF chart a well-articulated, widely, shared and understood direction – one that clearly stated what the organization does and what it does not do. As the organization was engaging in robust strategic planning for the first time, we designed an ongoing feedback loop with IAF’s key stakeholders to seek their input, incorporate it as appropriate, communicate the reasoning behind important decisions, and move forward with confidence.
Bolder Futures
IAF is in the process of socializing its clear direction internally and externally, and is executing on key initiatives – redefining the role of the Board, standing up important committees to lead execution, and building on and building out its relationships with members and partners – setting itself up to successfully achieve its vision and mission.